Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Egg

I had NO idea how much cholestoral was in just one egg. 200 mg, and my limit for each day is supposed to be 240. So, two eggs with yolks in almost doubles my limit for the day.

Last night for dinner, I took out the steaks I bought over the weekend, and they were stinky and almost black. I was VERY upset about this on SEVERAL different levels. First, $25 in the trash!! Second, I had been so proud of my meal planning for this week, and now I had to change and improvise "johnny on the spot." Not my strongest attribute :-) I rummaged through what we had in the fridge, cuz with 12 degree weather with ice everywhere, I was not going to the store...frustration number 3. I had eggs and turkey sausage. Now, the sausage only has 9 mg of chol. COME ON!!! SAUSAGE??? The sirloin I was going to make only has 60ish mg, and that little bitty teeny weenie egg has soooo much more!! Anyway, so that's what I had, and that's what I made. Tonight will be the same, because the weather hasn't changed, and I admit I'm too scared of the ice to venture out. I may have done better with Domino's delivery...the cheesy bread has only 5mg of chol. and 6 grams of fat. LOL!!

Well, we did make it to the gym yesterday, and the grocery store is about the same distance...a little futher, and across the freeway though. We'll see.

Glad today is a rest day for working out. My calf muscles are super angry today ;-)

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