Thursday, September 8, 2011

Fall Is Here some disheartening news today. My cholesterol has not lowered. I have to keep going with the Lipitor. SOOOO, since I'm determined now to get off all meds, I've been really looking at some better food choices. What this ultimately means...I have to become another type of "those people." The food people. I REALLY thought that all the changes I've been making would make a difference, and it may have. Maybe its not twice the number it is because of what I've been doing. BUT, I really want to kick this into gear and see if genetics is going to win here. There is a GREAT chance it will, but how will I know if I don't become one of those food people? I'm kind of heart broken over it. I didn't want to change my eating habits. I eat so much more stinkin' salad, and so much less cheese...sigh. I bring my lunch (most days) now...yes, a salad (most days).

Sooooo, I have some new pumpkin recipes to try out. It's a "super food" and is supposed to help lower the bad guy. Quinoa pumpkin pancakes and pumpkin apple soup...not together. Also some apple recipes...chicken apple quesadillas, apple slices with peanut butter and pumpkin seeds. If they're any good, I'll post them.

I've broken the news to Kevin...that we have to become those food people. In my subtle and docile ways (cough, cough) I explained that he said "I do" and I need support, so he is, by default, along for the ride. HE ROCKS! He said, "I do need to lose weight. Ey, sure, why not." He did promise me he would never actually hug a tree...phew!!!

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