Sunday, July 10, 2011

Where, Oh Where...

did I go? After two weeks of being in bed with bronchitis (one of which was with a fever), and two more weeks of marginal energy, and 3 rounds of antibiotics, I THINK I'm better now :-) I've missed 3 kickball! Today, I went to the gym for the first time in 5 weeks. I was going to start back up last week, but Thank God for friends! I met Lisa and Paige at the gym today to get jump started again. Lisa and I are going to meet again Tuesday.

So, what happens to one's self when they don't work out for 5 weeks?
1. Stomach pooches out and droops, carving out that Oh So Special spare tire's in this year, btw!
2. Good food habits wane, reminding me that oh yes, I do still like coconut creme pie for breakfast...again, thank God for friends :-)
3. Allergies return, making it hard to lose that stupid bronchitis cough.
4. My legs don't get shaven as often...LOL! (I know, I know...TMI)

The adventure continues!

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