Thursday, September 1, 2011

Oh yes...I'm going there!

Reason #856 to stress eat...HURT FEELINGS!!! Yes, this is a bit deep, so here's your chance to exit if you wish. For those who have stayed, I'm upset, so there ya go! I'll try to be a bit discrete, but man, am I frustrated! There are certain times in my life, like now, where I don't fit the "norm" of what "should" be going on. Whoever created this "norm" is on my hit list. Some people who don't fit this "norm" have the luxury of keeping the "abnormal" private. I, however, do not! Whoever thinks they are such the better person because they are in this "norm" (or privately abnormal) is oblivious to pretty much everything, I've decided! When is it ok to just be? When is it ok to not have "EVERYTHING" "EVERYONE ELSE" has? When is it good enough to play the cards I've been dealt? (Which I think I play quite well, thank you very much!) IT'S NEVER ENOUGH!! I'm tired of it. I'm frustrated by it. Quite frankly, it's exhausting! Then, when I'm tired, frustrated, and exhausted...I want Taco Bueno! If I go get Taco Bueno, then I feel guilty, which isn't exactly the best feeling to add to the mix. Then, I'm mad all over again!

So, I'm taking this stand, via this blog, that I can sort-of hide behind, but not really. The stand is this...PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS GOOD AND PURE...Think of the people around you. Think of how your words and actions may impact the people around you. THINK, for goodness sake, THINK! Think how what you are saying and doing, or not saying and not doing, might actually be hurting the people around you, PLEASE!!! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!!!

Thank you, and good night!

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