This is my second post for today, but this topic needs a seperate post.
I bring my lunch everyday now, so I won't be tempted to go out to get a quick burger, taco, or whatever fast food that is against all I've been working to change. This includes not eating whatever might be catered in at work for the day.
My boss is on this "buy lunch for every occasion" kick right now. She is new, and I think this is part of her attempt to look cool. ANYWAY, she makes fun of my lunch everyday. Let me repeat that...EVERY DAY!!! This is come to a point where I eat in my office, hoping she won't see me eating, so I won't have to answer for my food choices. If I were eating tree limbs, or gravel, I would see her need to point it out. BUT, sometimes it's salad, sometimes it's a dinner-ish meal with protein and two veggies, sometimes it's soup, nothing crazy. She makes a big deal of it EVERY DAY though.
This is the almost daily conversation:
Her: "What do you want for lunch today?"
Me: "Oh, nothing today. I bring my lunch, remember."
Her: "Come on! It's free!"
Me: "That's ok. I need to eat what I brought."
Her: "What did you bring? A salad? We can order you a salad!"
Me: "No thank you."
Her: (walking off) "You try to be nice, and I don't understand why people wouldn't eat free food!"
This seriously happens almost every day! I've explained my high blood pressure and cholesterol issues many times, and it seems to not matter. When I was gaining my 40 pounds, did anyone ever say, "Joanna, put the pizza down, what are you doing?" Did anyone ever say, "Joanna, stress eating is going to put on those extra pounds you don't want." Did anyone ever say, "Joanna, ..." NO, not that I remember anyway. (If you did, sorry I don't remember it).
This week I was sitting in the break room with the two new employees for lunch. Pizza was ordered. I LOVE PIZZA, but I ate my diet frozen lunch and apple. While I was eating, trying to avoid the fact that PIZZA was right next to me and smelled like heaven in a box, she comes in and says:
Her: (snakry tone for whole conversation) "So, what is it? Are you not joining us today?"
Me: "I did join you. I'm sitting right here."
Her: "But you're not eating pizza!"
Me: "I can't eat the cheese!"
Her: "We could have ordered one without cheese."
Me: "I'm fine with what I have."
Her: "Ok, whatever."
AAAAAHHHHH!!!! I also fought it out with her on my birthday, because "how can we celebrate a birthday without ordering lunch?" I had her buy me a Starbucks coffee, since she was sooo intent on buying me something.
I've spoken with a higher-up who has advised me to have a sit-down with her at at time that isn't around lunchtime, and discuss it with her one more time. Let her know how much her incessent nagging bothers me, when she knows I'm not going to be in on the lunch order. We'll see how that goes. I'm off for a week, so I get a week of lunch freedom...WOOHOO!!
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