Friday, September 2, 2011

It's Real...And It's SPECTACULAR!!!


It's Real...
All the changes, all the struggle, all the vegetables, all the appointments with The Mick (and the few others), all the new recipes, all of the agonizing "good decisions" at restaurants, all the grocery shopping, all the hours prepping for the week to make sure I eat right...that's what's real!

...And It's SPECTACULAR!!!
Went to the doc for my checkup, and I no longer have to take my blood pressure medication!!! He even clapped for me :-) I've been having these dizzy spells. First thing he did was check my ears for sinus-y stuff, and there was nothing. My blood pressure was normal, and I've been off the medication for about a week. He thinks I was getting dizzy with the medication, because it was taking the pressure too low. YES!!!!! I DID IT!! The exercise has paid off!! What a HUGE blessing, considering my family history!!!

Also, I've been off the cholestoral medication for about 3 weeks. Since I made all the food changes, he is checking to see the "true" results, and hoping to take me off that as well!!! AAAAHHHHH!!!!! EXTREMELY HAPPY DANCE!!!!!!

I said, "I guess I shouldn't go celebrate with a huge bowl of queso." He said, "Sure you can...if it's just once." SURE I CAN!!! Now, who has the best queso??? In my humble opinion...Pappasitos, here I come!!

So, that's at least TWO medications I've come off of since I started this blog...thyroid and blood pressure, both exercise related! Thank you, Lord!!

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