I fell into the Walmart trap! Was it the lady who brings her ENTIRE family to Walmart to go grocery shopping, and takes up an entire aisle as they casually saunter through? Was it the "gentleman" who stumbled in front of my cart, then grumbled at me for being in the way? Was it all the people coming out the "in" door? Was it the guy who parked his cart in the middle fo the aisle, and took offense to the phrase "excuse me"? Was it the car that backed up and almost hit me as I was WALKING in? Or the car that slowed down to let me walk across, and then changed their mind and sped up to block me? Or maybe it was the guy I was behind on the way out, that decided to stop in a convenient location that blocked anyone from getting around him, fidget around for his cell, dial and wait for someone to answer before starting to walk again? Probably a culmination of all of the above. I lost it! I found an inner rage that has been silenced for quite some time. I kept calm while in public, but when it came time to vent, I EXPLODED!! I don't think Kevin's ears are ever going to be the same...eeek!
Because of that, I decided to read my Bible this morning...just in case the "ugly Jo" was still unleashed. What I read not only reminded me to be "slow to anger" but also caught my eye regarding my eating habits. I was reading James 1, and it points out that when we give in to our own desires, sin is cultivated. I give in a LOT when it comes to eating poorly. I feel like I have this right to do it, for some reason. I have a duty to self to not give in to it, but I do anyway. Something to pray about, for sure. Praying for the anger thing too, and going to Target instead of Walmart from now on.
What about all of the people who don't have enough self respect to change out of their pajama pants to go shopping? Or those who can't put clothes or shoes on their kids and let them run around in diapers? I am so fed up with walmart. Oh how I wish Cleburne had a Target!