I was recently discussing weight loss with an acquaintence who, a few years ago, lost a bunch of weight, and has been able to keep it off, relatively. First, she said, "lots of salad." I thought, "ugh." Then she said she limits processed carbs like bread, chips, pasta, etc. Thought I'd give that a whirl this week, reluctantly though with the salad...sigh. I went back to my South Beach book for recipies and ideas, and was able to pull it off with only a few hic-ups. Noticed a couple of things:
1. It reduced my cravings for food. The book says it will, and others have said such things in the past...never believed them. I did not have my usual Thursday meltdown though.
2. I did not lose one pound. I usually am at a certain weight on Sundays, and during the week, gain and lose 2-3 pounds, not making any progress toward weight loss. This week, I stayed the same weight every day, without the drastic fluctuations. It was a bit of a relief.
3. I felt better, not as much on edge about eating as usual.
So, one more week of no carbs, and I start eating fruit and whole grain whatnots again. I think I needed a tune up :-)
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