Friday, May 27, 2011
Crazy Week = Crazy Food
When it rains, it pours...literally, into our bedroom! OH YEAH...and it also makes part of the garage collapse on our car. The tarps that have been covering the holes in the roof for a year and a half have finally worn thin. Also, our now 3 year long adoption process has been put on hold until the end of the summer, due to the neglect of the agency we chose. Also, I've been recovering from last weekend's heat exhaustion. Also, my aunt is passing away in RI. So, I never made it to the store this week. Free food at the clinic this week meant I ate all of it. Lots of carbs, fat, and sugar. For dinner, SOME salad, and pizza, and fajitas, and chicken nuggets, and cheeseburgers, and fries, and, and, and...! OH, and I cancelled BOTH training sessions this week. Haven't been to the gym AT ALL! What a mess! I am cooking dinner tonight. Maybe...and I mean maybe...I'll ride the bike a little. What a mess!!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Bags of Biscuit Mix
It was hailing golfball sized hail last night, and I needed to go to the gym...didn't go. I had to improvise. I measured a can of refried beans, salad dressing, evaporated milk, and a few other items before I found the perfect weight...a bag of biscuit mix from the trade show a few weeks ago. It was 3 lbs. Hold two of them, and I've got 6 lb weights for each arm for my arm exercises...woohoo!! Kevin did them with me. We did arm stuff, ab stuff, and oblique stuff. I was sweating up a storm in my own house!!! Who knew that could happen?!? I had an appt with The Mick, and left him a message that I wasn't coming. He called anyway. I think I'm tarnishing our relationship...he'll get over it :-) Was I REALLY supposed to get out in the hail? I mean...look at that

Biscuit mix it was :-)

Biscuit mix it was :-)
Monday, May 23, 2011
Bike Ride 2011
What an adventure! From foggy Oklahoma, to rainy Weatherford, to nice breezes, to heat exhaustion. I met new friends, saw some crazy critters, and saw some crazy people. I experienced the whole gammut of everthing!
Here's how it went down:
I started in Tulsa. I met up with Leedy, and we caravaned down to Weatherford. We passed through OK City (below), and thought of the Mavs (they are up 2-1 in the Western Finals).

It was a foggy ride down

We stopped for some grub, and I captured Leedy talking to Diane

We arrived safe and sound. Did some last minute shopping at Walmart (yes, I had to go!) And, although I took some late night pics of Cre doing homework, Leedy and Diane getting ready for bed, etc., I promised not to post those pics. I just have them for fodder later in life...mwahahahaha!
The next morning we are ready to go...woohoo!

Farfalle Viola is ready for action

At our first rest stop, Diane revealed that she has a membership to the NRA and has guns and such. The "such" on this trip being a taser. It appears she is practicing her skills on Cre!! Interestingly, there was this guy, later on the ride, that was questionable. He hid his face from Diane and Leedy as they passed by. Glad Diane was prepared for action! Nothing happened, but you can never be too careful, ya know!

Here's blurry me at the first rest stop.

We have made it 10.5 miles! WooHoo!!

You learn so much about people on bike rides. First, Diane is an NRA member. Second, some of us know how to appreciate college football...

...and others still have a LOT to learn!

We came to the point in the ride where last year it was closed due to flooding. The trail had been washed out, with a 5' x 4' hole in it somewhere, and we were diverted on this crazy route. This year... was open, and I was on unchartered territory with 6 miles left until we hit the opposite trailhead.
We took a rest stop on the bridge over HWY 180.

And...WE MADE IT!! 20 miles completed!!

OOPS!! Someone forgot to read the sign before her potty break!!!


Ok, so notice how red my face is? This is when the humble pie was in the oven, and I wasn't ready to eat it yet. I was already feeling weak and a bit nauseous. I thought eating something (slowly) and cooling off with ice water would fix it all.
In the meantime, there was this guy riding around on his motorcycle wearing a cowboy hat, no shirt, jeans, and an American flag draped around him like a cape. He would hoot and holler as he drove by. And yes, we hooted and hollered back :-) We were told he does this quite often, and he has a different flag each time. Sometimes Mexican, sometimes other stuff. Here's a small pic of him turning around in the parking lot across the street from Sonic.

Then, it was time to head back. Humble pie was ready, however I still wasn't ready to eat it. By the grace and mercy of God, I made it 10 more miles. I was VERY overheated. My muscles were cramping, my stamina kaput, my body exhausted. I couldn't have been more disappointed. This trail was easy last year. I am in better shape this year. I had been drinking water (4 liters and a Route 44 to be exact). I just don't understand what happened, other than it was in the mid 90s, not a cloud in the sky, and being the delicate china doll that I am, just couldn't handle the heat.
Here's where it wide, insert humble pie!

Cre stayed with me, while Diane and Leedy went the last 10 miles to go get the cars and come get us. Cre went to the convenience store across the street and secured us some Gatorade, peanut butter crackers and more water.
Technically, I made it from trailhead to trailhead and back to the original trailhead...the last 10 on 4 wheels instead of 2. Technically :-) I also learned quickly that I did not do the best in applying the sunscreen...good grief!

Not burned anywhere else but the back of the arms. Little splotches in places, but not like those arms. WOW, where was my head when I was putting on the Coppertone?!?!!
So, I rode 30 miles this year. It was quite the experience this time around to say the least. We're gonna push it up into April next year, so we know it will be cooler. Gotta just keep going, ya know?!
I leave you with all the critters and cactus we saw on our trip. The scorpion was actually in the hotel lobby before we left...eeek! The rest were on the trail.

The ducks and chasing chickens were outside a house we passed. CHASING CHICKENS!!!
P.S. I just found out the high was 96 on Saturday! That could have had something to do with it!
Here's how it went down:
I started in Tulsa. I met up with Leedy, and we caravaned down to Weatherford. We passed through OK City (below), and thought of the Mavs (they are up 2-1 in the Western Finals).
It was a foggy ride down
We stopped for some grub, and I captured Leedy talking to Diane
We arrived safe and sound. Did some last minute shopping at Walmart (yes, I had to go!) And, although I took some late night pics of Cre doing homework, Leedy and Diane getting ready for bed, etc., I promised not to post those pics. I just have them for fodder later in life...mwahahahaha!
The next morning we are ready to go...woohoo!
Farfalle Viola is ready for action
At our first rest stop, Diane revealed that she has a membership to the NRA and has guns and such. The "such" on this trip being a taser. It appears she is practicing her skills on Cre!! Interestingly, there was this guy, later on the ride, that was questionable. He hid his face from Diane and Leedy as they passed by. Glad Diane was prepared for action! Nothing happened, but you can never be too careful, ya know!
Here's blurry me at the first rest stop.

We have made it 10.5 miles! WooHoo!!
You learn so much about people on bike rides. First, Diane is an NRA member. Second, some of us know how to appreciate college football...
...and others still have a LOT to learn!
We came to the point in the ride where last year it was closed due to flooding. The trail had been washed out, with a 5' x 4' hole in it somewhere, and we were diverted on this crazy route. This year... was open, and I was on unchartered territory with 6 miles left until we hit the opposite trailhead.
We took a rest stop on the bridge over HWY 180.
And...WE MADE IT!! 20 miles completed!!
OOPS!! Someone forgot to read the sign before her potty break!!!

Ok, so notice how red my face is? This is when the humble pie was in the oven, and I wasn't ready to eat it yet. I was already feeling weak and a bit nauseous. I thought eating something (slowly) and cooling off with ice water would fix it all.
In the meantime, there was this guy riding around on his motorcycle wearing a cowboy hat, no shirt, jeans, and an American flag draped around him like a cape. He would hoot and holler as he drove by. And yes, we hooted and hollered back :-) We were told he does this quite often, and he has a different flag each time. Sometimes Mexican, sometimes other stuff. Here's a small pic of him turning around in the parking lot across the street from Sonic.
Then, it was time to head back. Humble pie was ready, however I still wasn't ready to eat it. By the grace and mercy of God, I made it 10 more miles. I was VERY overheated. My muscles were cramping, my stamina kaput, my body exhausted. I couldn't have been more disappointed. This trail was easy last year. I am in better shape this year. I had been drinking water (4 liters and a Route 44 to be exact). I just don't understand what happened, other than it was in the mid 90s, not a cloud in the sky, and being the delicate china doll that I am, just couldn't handle the heat.
Here's where it wide, insert humble pie!
Cre stayed with me, while Diane and Leedy went the last 10 miles to go get the cars and come get us. Cre went to the convenience store across the street and secured us some Gatorade, peanut butter crackers and more water.
Technically, I made it from trailhead to trailhead and back to the original trailhead...the last 10 on 4 wheels instead of 2. Technically :-) I also learned quickly that I did not do the best in applying the sunscreen...good grief!
Not burned anywhere else but the back of the arms. Little splotches in places, but not like those arms. WOW, where was my head when I was putting on the Coppertone?!?!!
So, I rode 30 miles this year. It was quite the experience this time around to say the least. We're gonna push it up into April next year, so we know it will be cooler. Gotta just keep going, ya know?!
I leave you with all the critters and cactus we saw on our trip. The scorpion was actually in the hotel lobby before we left...eeek! The rest were on the trail.
The ducks and chasing chickens were outside a house we passed. CHASING CHICKENS!!!
P.S. I just found out the high was 96 on Saturday! That could have had something to do with it!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
The 40 Mile Bike Ride Is Here
This is it! 40 mile bike ride number 2! I went over to Cre's last night for some last minute detailing on her bike...which turned out to be teaching her about shifting gears (sorry to rat you out...teeheehee!). She is good to go. I am excited and am VERY much looking forward to being one with nature. That could mean a torrential downpour, but hey, I just won't wear a white shirt :-) I'm in much better shape this year than I was last year, and I weigh 13 pounds less. I hope to be able to enjoy it more than huff and puff through it. It's looking to be a fantastic weekend! I get to start early with a visit to Tulsa, then off to Weatherford, then Sunday IS THE day of rest, then Kevin and I have Monday off and are going to the Ft. Worth zoo (we haven't been since we were wee ones). Photos to come...stay tuned!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Beautiful Weekend
The sun has been shining, the temp has been cool to mild, got myself a little sun on my 17 mile bike ride, good times. This is the kind of weather that makes me wish we lived closer to the beach, but the lake will do.
I'm on the cusp of breaking through to the next 10. Not that I'm going to tell my real weight, but let's say I weigh 100 pounds (bwahahaha)...99 is in the next 10. So, I weigh "100 pounds" today :-) It has been a LONG road to get to "100 pounds" so once I get past it, I REALLY hope I can get in the "90's" and keep it going.
Going today to get Cre's bike ready for our 40 mile journey next weekend. She has a new seat, and we want to make sure it cooperates. My "source" tells me others have not been on a bike yet. I feel confident I will do fine again this year. Hope to see deer again this year. Hope it's not raining, as predicted. It was predicted for last year, and it didn't, so...there ya go. Also, hope parts of the trail haven't been washed out like last year's 5' x 4' hole. Looking forward to riding again.
I'm on the cusp of breaking through to the next 10. Not that I'm going to tell my real weight, but let's say I weigh 100 pounds (bwahahaha)...99 is in the next 10. So, I weigh "100 pounds" today :-) It has been a LONG road to get to "100 pounds" so once I get past it, I REALLY hope I can get in the "90's" and keep it going.
Going today to get Cre's bike ready for our 40 mile journey next weekend. She has a new seat, and we want to make sure it cooperates. My "source" tells me others have not been on a bike yet. I feel confident I will do fine again this year. Hope to see deer again this year. Hope it's not raining, as predicted. It was predicted for last year, and it didn't, so...there ya go. Also, hope parts of the trail haven't been washed out like last year's 5' x 4' hole. Looking forward to riding again.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Carbs - Smarbs
I was recently discussing weight loss with an acquaintence who, a few years ago, lost a bunch of weight, and has been able to keep it off, relatively. First, she said, "lots of salad." I thought, "ugh." Then she said she limits processed carbs like bread, chips, pasta, etc. Thought I'd give that a whirl this week, reluctantly though with the salad...sigh. I went back to my South Beach book for recipies and ideas, and was able to pull it off with only a few hic-ups. Noticed a couple of things:
1. It reduced my cravings for food. The book says it will, and others have said such things in the past...never believed them. I did not have my usual Thursday meltdown though.
2. I did not lose one pound. I usually am at a certain weight on Sundays, and during the week, gain and lose 2-3 pounds, not making any progress toward weight loss. This week, I stayed the same weight every day, without the drastic fluctuations. It was a bit of a relief.
3. I felt better, not as much on edge about eating as usual.
So, one more week of no carbs, and I start eating fruit and whole grain whatnots again. I think I needed a tune up :-)
1. It reduced my cravings for food. The book says it will, and others have said such things in the past...never believed them. I did not have my usual Thursday meltdown though.
2. I did not lose one pound. I usually am at a certain weight on Sundays, and during the week, gain and lose 2-3 pounds, not making any progress toward weight loss. This week, I stayed the same weight every day, without the drastic fluctuations. It was a bit of a relief.
3. I felt better, not as much on edge about eating as usual.
So, one more week of no carbs, and I start eating fruit and whole grain whatnots again. I think I needed a tune up :-)
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Exactly! I have NO idea what The Mick said...I just went with it.
I cheated on him again tonight, because of lack of availability...isn't that why we all cheat...HA! Anyway, Justin, hater of all things pure and good, had me doing these arm reps from the place where hate is spawned. These reps were so long in nature, that we were only able to complete one round of them in my 30 minute session. Justin leaves me, and says, "Ok, now do two more reps." At first I thought, "like poo am I'm gonna do two more reps." Then, I noticed he had positioned himself with his next client next to the weight racks where I would have to go to return my weights...UGH! In hindsight, I realize this is what happens when you! So, there I am, exposed to the world...enter The Mick. He comes hastily walking over with his client to use the machine right next to the bench I'm using. Gets her started on her exercises, and then...
The Mick: "What does Justin have you doing there?"
Me: "Arm exercises"
The Mick: "Those look like interdithbbtthhhhthnbasbliurm. We do those, only sitting down."
Me: "Oh."
The Mick: "Justin is a good guy. I like Justin."
After his client had finished her exercises, he took her across the gym for the next whatever they did. Ok, so if you can't tell, The Mick was jealous. If I could type inflection, there would be the tone one uses when they are trying to impress someone while outdoing someone else. I assured him that I was coming back on Thursday for a session with him.
BOY, these trainers are high maintenance!!
I cheated on him again tonight, because of lack of availability...isn't that why we all cheat...HA! Anyway, Justin, hater of all things pure and good, had me doing these arm reps from the place where hate is spawned. These reps were so long in nature, that we were only able to complete one round of them in my 30 minute session. Justin leaves me, and says, "Ok, now do two more reps." At first I thought, "like poo am I'm gonna do two more reps." Then, I noticed he had positioned himself with his next client next to the weight racks where I would have to go to return my weights...UGH! In hindsight, I realize this is what happens when you! So, there I am, exposed to the world...enter The Mick. He comes hastily walking over with his client to use the machine right next to the bench I'm using. Gets her started on her exercises, and then...
The Mick: "What does Justin have you doing there?"
Me: "Arm exercises"
The Mick: "Those look like interdithbbtthhhhthnbasbliurm. We do those, only sitting down."
Me: "Oh."
The Mick: "Justin is a good guy. I like Justin."
After his client had finished her exercises, he took her across the gym for the next whatever they did. Ok, so if you can't tell, The Mick was jealous. If I could type inflection, there would be the tone one uses when they are trying to impress someone while outdoing someone else. I assured him that I was coming back on Thursday for a session with him.
BOY, these trainers are high maintenance!!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Toilet Seat Awareness
So, when the focus of workouts becomes legs, within the next 12ish hours I become painfully aware that toilet seats are LOWER than the other chairs I sit in throughout the day! WOW!!!
The 40 mile bike ride is in two weeks! Getting the bod in shape for that. Rode 14 miles yesterday, and plan to ramp it up over this week. SO glad the weather is cooperating finally!
Bad joke for the day: I've lost 30 pounds over the past year...the same 15 twice! HA!!
The 40 mile bike ride is in two weeks! Getting the bod in shape for that. Rode 14 miles yesterday, and plan to ramp it up over this week. SO glad the weather is cooperating finally!
Bad joke for the day: I've lost 30 pounds over the past year...the same 15 twice! HA!!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
What a GORGEOUS Day!!
Did a 10.5 mile bike ride in this glorious weather we finally have. Lost the three pounds this week that I gained at Chili's last week. Gained it back tonight eating one of my favs that was DELISH! Here's what I think happens. I fight, and fight, and fight cravings ALL WEEK LONG, and then I SNAP! I can't take it anymore! I have to have SOMETHING, or I'm going to burst! Bursting usually happens on Thursdays, I've figured out. Then, when I have whatever it is that I choose to squelch that FIRE, there is balance in the brain, and I can carry on. However, with balance comes pounds. All those ounces I peed out all week long. OH...and I'm tired of going to the bathroom so much. I put a ban on water yesterday...gained a pound. Weight loss is a great exercise in mental fortitude, of which I seem to only have a week's worth. Did I mention it was a beautiful day today :-) I'm so glad I got to enjoy the sunshine.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Chest Press
On April 7, I was pressing 25 pounds. Yesterday...55 pounds! Leg press...I was at 80 pounds, now...130! GGGGRRRRRRR!!!!!!!
Also, I would like to issue a complaint to Chili's. WHY do you advertise yourself as a restaurant, when in actuality you are fast food that's deceptively on a plate, not wrapped in paper or in a box? WHY?!?!? We ate there the other day, and I literally gained 3 pounds! Here I am, 5 days later, and I am still working it off, with 1 pound to go! FRUSTRATING!!!
And, that's all :-)
Also, I would like to issue a complaint to Chili's. WHY do you advertise yourself as a restaurant, when in actuality you are fast food that's deceptively on a plate, not wrapped in paper or in a box? WHY?!?!? We ate there the other day, and I literally gained 3 pounds! Here I am, 5 days later, and I am still working it off, with 1 pound to go! FRUSTRATING!!!
And, that's all :-)
Monday, May 2, 2011
Walmart Ridiculousnesses
I fell into the Walmart trap! Was it the lady who brings her ENTIRE family to Walmart to go grocery shopping, and takes up an entire aisle as they casually saunter through? Was it the "gentleman" who stumbled in front of my cart, then grumbled at me for being in the way? Was it all the people coming out the "in" door? Was it the guy who parked his cart in the middle fo the aisle, and took offense to the phrase "excuse me"? Was it the car that backed up and almost hit me as I was WALKING in? Or the car that slowed down to let me walk across, and then changed their mind and sped up to block me? Or maybe it was the guy I was behind on the way out, that decided to stop in a convenient location that blocked anyone from getting around him, fidget around for his cell, dial and wait for someone to answer before starting to walk again? Probably a culmination of all of the above. I lost it! I found an inner rage that has been silenced for quite some time. I kept calm while in public, but when it came time to vent, I EXPLODED!! I don't think Kevin's ears are ever going to be the same...eeek!
Because of that, I decided to read my Bible this morning...just in case the "ugly Jo" was still unleashed. What I read not only reminded me to be "slow to anger" but also caught my eye regarding my eating habits. I was reading James 1, and it points out that when we give in to our own desires, sin is cultivated. I give in a LOT when it comes to eating poorly. I feel like I have this right to do it, for some reason. I have a duty to self to not give in to it, but I do anyway. Something to pray about, for sure. Praying for the anger thing too, and going to Target instead of Walmart from now on.
Because of that, I decided to read my Bible this morning...just in case the "ugly Jo" was still unleashed. What I read not only reminded me to be "slow to anger" but also caught my eye regarding my eating habits. I was reading James 1, and it points out that when we give in to our own desires, sin is cultivated. I give in a LOT when it comes to eating poorly. I feel like I have this right to do it, for some reason. I have a duty to self to not give in to it, but I do anyway. Something to pray about, for sure. Praying for the anger thing too, and going to Target instead of Walmart from now on.
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