Saturday, March 17, 2012

Pictures From Honduras

I figured I would share more about Honduras than the fact that there might be parasites in the water. I went twice, once in December 1996, and then returned in May 1997 and stayed through September 1997. Here are some of the adventures. In these pictures, my hair is short because it was growing back in. I had finished my chemo treatments in August 1996.

My host family, Calvin and Linda Henry. Mr. Henry and my dad traveled to Columbia, doing mission work, back in the 80's before it was the drug/crime capital of the world.
Typical Honduran scenery seen on the way to missions in the mountains.
I helped out with translation in the clinics we visited.
And,here's a monkey :-)

A group came from ACU, headed by Harland Rall. Mr. Rall is another friend of my dad, also involved in mission work together.

This is the scenery at the school where we set up a clinic for the local village. The next pics show the set up of what we did most places we went.
Church groups would come in for one week, and have various missions. I don't have any pics of the homes that were built, but there was always a group building homes in addition to the medical mission.
Non-medical, non-spanish speakers removing lice from children's heads.

A typical triage scene at the school. Edwin Goodwin is on the left, and was in charge of the Clinica Amicus at the Baxter Institue, where I was living.
This is a nurse that came with a group from Tennessee, helping out with blood pressures on other vitals.

This is Edwin's wife, whose name I don't remember. She was the pharmacist, and is handing out meds to the locals.
I have no idea why I would have picked up some random rodent, but then again, I drank the water too.

That sums it up :-)

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