Tuesday, February 7, 2012

'Life is Funny...As In Peculiar, Not Haha"

My grandmother (Gaga...the original, not this hussy showcaed on today's version of music's top 20) used to say that...Life is funny, as in peculiar, not haha. Today is a day I totally agree! Here we are, in the midst of Bipolar Week, and I can, and can't, understand why it is the way it is. The events that dictate this to be Bipolar Week happened so long ago, however still evoke an array of emotions, different from year to year. The week begins in memory of my brother, with sadness, remembrance, what-if's, and still anger at times. The week ends with a celebration of my being cancer free. With this I am relieved, thankful, blessed, and encouraged. These events happened one year apart from each other, and were 17 and 16 years ago. Sometimes, the memories are like they were yesterday. Time is the peculiar paradox here. How can it be so long ago, and feel so close? Always in my heart, always moving forward, moving on.

Now, don't get me wrong. Life is FULL of haha. For example, I have now lost enough weight for The Mick to notice, and he said, "I was thinking you were a pretty girl, and now you've lost weight." What in the WORLD was that supposed to mean?!?!! I think I know, but I am FOR SURE NOT asking! Just gotta laugh.

I guess the peculiar and the haha get to balance each other out, and for that I am very thankful!

1 comment:

  1. Joanna,
    This is a great post. And by great I mean, thought-provoking and real. And thank you for being so real on your blog. So happy and thrilled that you are cancer free and also sorry about your brother. And I know both my thoughts are coming 17 and 16 years late.
    Hugs from your old college friend.
