Friday, December 9, 2011

God Fills Holes


I'm still trying to figure out what's going on with my stomach. Still having pain when I eat, so they are still running tests. Today's adventure was a CT scan. To prep for it I had to drink bari-Yum...NOT! They gave me two bottles with deceptive labels...Creamy Vanilla Smoothie and Apple Smoothie.

I had apple for my bedtime snack, and vanilla for breakfast. As if that wasn't bad enough, THEN the chaos ensued! To have a CT scan you have to have an IV, so they can inject the dye that lights up the desired test spot. As the tech was "trying to find a vein", he was also updating me on current events and told me he was "like a bartender without the drinks." After 4 sticks, and 4 misses (go figure, since current events were more important than his job today), I got up and refused the scan. I'm sure I don't have to explain the pain I endured in my hand, wrists, and arm. I marched over to my doc's office, issued a complaint, and told them I would redo the scan but NOT at the same place. Needless to say, they were MORE than understanding and helpful.

I decided to go to IHop for some French toast. I was feeling alone, angry, in pain, and really wished I had someone with me. I thought going somewhere where I could at least people watch would help settle me some. About halfway through my meal the waitress says to me, "Your ticket is taken care of today in hopes of a Merry Christmas." I said, "SERIOUSLY?!?!?!!!" She smiled real big and walked away. I'm thinking, "Do I know someone here?" "Is this a random IHop holiday thing?" "Is this a joke?" "Do I look homeless today, and in need of a meal?" I start looking around, trying not to look obvious, but of course, how could I! I see an older lady looking at me from across the way, and she says "Merry Christmas" and walks away. Talk about getting all misty-eyed, and being filled with peace...WOW! God filled my hole with generosity, grace, peace, mercy, love, and the comfort of knowing everything was going to be ok.

May I highly reccommend people watching at IHop ;-)

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