Wednesday, August 3, 2011

WOW...with the bronchitis! REALLY?!?!!

Let's set aside the fact that this woman looks old, angry, depressed, frumpy, and has poofy hair. Of course, that would make sense if she's been dealing with bronchitis for 8 weeks, like someone else I know! She also seems a bit more on the tan side that I will ever be. Let's focus on exhibits B and C.

Exhibit B - a good lookin' bronchial tube. That's what I want.
Exhibit C - terrible sludge. This is what I guess I have.

I CAN'T QUIT COUGHING!!!!! It's keeping me up at night again. It's making the muscles around my lungs tired and worn out. Not to mention that it makes ME tired and worn out! WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON?????!!!!! Ever since the kickball game, I haven't been able to shake it. I think I angered it too, along with the "moon over my hammie." Recommendations are to drink lots of fluids and take anti-inflamatories. Doing that for sure! MY recommendation...don't get bronchitis in the first place! There is just no way to "quick fix" this stuff!

Forging ahead, I go! I ain't gonna let it get me down! Maybe I'll build up the muscles around my lungs enough that I can start lifting weights with my breath. Just a thought...

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