I ran a total of 18 minutes on the treadmill last night! I pushed myself, because I was feeling it about 9 minutes into it. It was a walk/run effort for 35 minutes, 2.5 miles, and 18 of it running. My best so far! Kevin did great last night too. Unknown to me, he was also walk/running, and he did 18 minutes too! We are sooooo getting in shape!
It's so funny to me, because here I am on the treadmill. I'm thinking, "OH YEAH! I got this thing beat!" I finish the walk/run, and see myself in the mirror, and reality sets in once more...I'm still on the chubby side! BOO!! I've lost 7.5 pounds since I started tracking calories again last month. I have 14.5 more to go before I'm in the "normal" weight range for my height. Then, my actual goal is 9 pounds more than that, for a total loss of 31 pounds. Actually, from when I started this blog, the total lost amount will be 37 pounds.
Kevin and I have a goal to be the "new hotness" at the 4th of July party. Each year, we go to Cleburne and catch up with old friends. Each year, someone there has lost a bunch of weight. AND, each year, they seem to have kept it off. We have decided that WE are those people this year. Now, there is one friend who has already lost her 40 pounds. She will also be "new hotness". We don't mind sharing the title :-) We hope to have lost 15 pounds, so actually, she will have us beat...WHATEV!!!
18 minutes is awesome! You go Joanna!