Sunday, January 30, 2011

2 Days in a Row

So, I'm back to eating 1600 calories again. Also, went back to eating at home on Sunday for lunch. I LOVE the crock pot! I was really satisfied with and proud of lunch. It was the AHA version of chicken caccitore with rice, a veggie meddley of green beans, artichokes, mushrooms and tomatoes, and salad. And for Sunday afternoon nap :-) This was all in lue of eating at the fellowship meal at church. They were having bbq sandwhiches, and although I missed going for the fellowship, I was proud for resisting the food.

This week, I'm on my own at the gym. The Mick is on a cruise with his high school buddies for the week! I'm sure it won't be as entertaining, but he said he was going to see what I did when he got back. Don't want to be in trouble now. I went 4 times this week, so I'm getting there. Mr. Quite Bulky said he'd like to see me there 5 days a week. Working on it!

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