Wednesday, December 22, 2010

First Session

You know the old guy that trained Rocky Balboa, Mickey??? That's my trainer, only he goes by GC. He's 77, been "coaching" for over 50 years, and might have a little bit of a dirty-ol-man inside him. So, it started off with him telling me about how losing weight is a numbers game, input vs. output, blah, blah, blah. Then he said he believed in having a strong core. Then this is what happened:

GC: I want to strengthen your core.
Me: Ok
GC: I want you to get to a point where you can do that (pointing to the people working out with those ball thingys), but for now, let's use this chair.
(My internal voice: GEESH!!! Is it really THAT bad??)
Me: Ok

And, yes, it was really THAT bad. I started shaking pretty quickly, and he explained that in a couple of weeks, that should stop...LOL!!!

We did every machine there was. An intro, if you will. Amazingly, I'm not too sore today, and I feel pretty good. I go back Thursday for another round with "The Mick"...Rocky, Rocky, Rocky!!!!

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