I'm almost 2 months into this "life change" and I've lost 13 pounds!!! Only 20 more to go!! So, by my estimation, when I go back to the doc in December, I should be at my ideal weight. Hopefully, this will help my cholesterol and blood pressure. I have a question...WHY DECEMBER??? Doesn't he KNOW that's when we all eat not just more, but more of the bad stuff that tastes soooooo goooood?!?!?! Anyway, all of this is still working. One of the most peculiar parts of this whole thing is what books and people will say about weight loss, for instance (and btw, I hear all of these sayings in a high-pitched, sarcastic voice):
"After a couple of weeks, you won't crave the foods you used to eat."
"I tried eating my old food, and I don't even like it anymore."
"You'll feel so much better."
"Oh, you're dieting again..."
"I wish I could eat healthy like you do"
"Is it working?"
All I have to say to all of this is, "SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?!?"
I still want pizza, BBQ, Taco Bueno, Coke, fried chicken, etc., I still LOVE all the old food, I feel the same, Not a diet...eating healthy, here...have a cucumber, and geesh, can you not tell I've lost weight yet???? I can tell, why can't you??!!
I think these people/books come from and are aliens. Certainly real people are in the same boat I'm in. Anyway, it's interesting to read/hear the things people say about it all. I think on some level, people are overwhelmed with all the hype out there for losing weight. I like what I'm doing. It's my decision on what to eat, and gives me control over the whole thing. I'm not following someone else's regimen. And, it's not just about losing weight. It's also about lowering my cholesterol and getting my blood pressure down. Anyway...people are funny...looking!
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